I never wish for overcast days when I’m shooting a DFW Fall Mini Session, but sometimes it happens. However, what lacked in sunshine, was made up for with tickles, dancing, hugs, silliness and smiles.

The Barretts have been a DFW Fall Mini Session client since the beginning. This year, Casey and Kylie were a nice addition to this boy trio. The kids always insist on a photo with their grandparents at the end and I always oblige. The grandparents can’t say no to their grandkids, can they?!

The Romeros were the winner of my 2019 Christmas Card Giveaway for a DFW Fall Mini Session. They’ve also been with me since the beginning. I’ve loved watching the kids grow up. Their dad is always willing to do whatever to get the kids to smile. They have a love that radiates. This mom and dad may balk each year when I insist on a photo of the two of them, but I always win!

The Shaws blew me away with their attire for the Fall Mini Session! Eshe wore that dress…look at her! And sorry to all the other dads of the DFW Fall Mini Sessions, but Kareen wins most in shape dad. These parents have a special bond with their kids. Kaiza is a character and I knew the camera would love her. Kiyan’s running series with his dad might be my favorite running series of a kid ever. It was pure JOY!

The Bruchs were new clients in 2020. I was so bummed earlier in the year that I couldn’t photograph Ava’s birth due to covid. However, we were able to do their maternity session and Ava’s newborn photos. Derek is a photographer so it’s fun to talk “shop” with him. Laura feels like an old friend. Then there’s Ella! She is all personality and gives me so much to work with! Ava’s tummy time photos were so cute. I love when I’m able to photograph babies multiple times during their first year!
Check out more from these families’ DFW Fall Mini Session in Fort Worth.
Interested in a family session? Contact me for more information and to plan your unique session!
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